Rest Home

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Culturally Appropriate Rest home
It is an historic moment for the South Asian Communities in New Zealand, wherein a dream to deliver culturally appropriate rest home for the community elders has been fulfilled. On Thursday, 10th Jan 2013, Bhartiya Samaj & BUPA launched “Aashirwad”- South Asian Wing at David Lange Care Home. At Bupa David Lange, Aashirwad offers the first culturally appropriate care home for South Asian communities in New Zealand. Bhartiya Samaj and Bupa bring you ‘Aashirwad’, a South Asian Wing at David Lange Care Home, in Mangere East. We embrace and respect traditions and beliefs so you can enjoy all those things just as you did at home.
The best possible life:
Our goal and commitment to you is to help you live the best life possible, supported physically, emotionally and socially and to be as independent as possible.
The quality of the care we provide to you is very important to us (and you can rest assured that it is excellent). Your enjoyment of each day is our focus, and we want everyone to feel that David Lange is their home. We make sure that you choose how you spend your days, and we go the extra mile to make sure that our care has you as an individual at the centre of it.
At David Lange, understanding what you and your family needs is paramount, because that’s the individualised care we want to provide. We know that this means different things for different people, so we take care to involve family, and make decisions together.
We like to understand each person’s individual likes and dislikes, so that we can build the care we give and the activities we provide around your preferences. After all, this is your home; the place you should feel comfortable in.
David Lange Care Home embraces many cultures, tailoring activities, food and care to respect traditions and beliefs.
We offer Rest Home and Hospital care, Respite and Carer Support, and will work with you and your local hospital to ensure that the right care is provided to meet your needs. We can also guide and support you through the process of coming to a Care Home.
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Day Care for Older Adults:
At David Lange, we offer a day care service, weekdays, from 8am – 5pm. It is available to clients who have been assessed by the Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination Team (NASC) as being eligible for the service and is funded by the Counties Manukau District Health Board. We offer a programme of games, music, crafts, exercise, entertainment, outings, reminiscence, theme days, picnics and barbecues. The programme is overseen by a qualified Activities Co-ordinator. Transportation is available at a small charge.
Aashirwad (meaning: ‘Blessing’):
The Aashirwad wing will ensure that whenever possible we provide:
Caregivers who communicate in the language of our residents and understand cultural values
Culturally appropriate care and handling
A selection of food similar to that enjoyed at home
Visits to places of worship and cultural events
Participation in the celebration of popular festivals such as Diwali
Entertainment via popular Indian TV channels and radio stations
The company of like-minded individuals
Our Staff:
We pride ourselves on having a very well-trained team, who care for you as a person as much as for your medical needs. Because we value the wisdom and experience of older people, the care we give is respectful, with a focus on the little things that make a difference.
Taking care of the lives in our hands:
David Lange is part of the Bupa group of Rest Homes, Hospitals, Retirement Villages and Personal Medical Alarms. As part of the global Bupa group, based in the UK, we are a private company, with no stakeholders. Therefore, we reinvest profits back into our business to provide better care.
If you wish to avail the benefit of this Culturally Appropriate South Asian care facility for your elders, please get in touch with us.